Kati Cher

“It will change your life as a singer”

Hello everybody,

My name is Kati Cher, and I’m from Austria. I’ve been doing KTVA for one year now and I can tell you it is the best thing that could ever happen to me as a rock singer.

Before KTVA I lost my voice after every gig, and my throat hurt often while singing. When I tried to sing raspy, it just sounded squeezed and forced. I had a lot of nasality in my sound as well and I didn’t know how to use diaphragmatic support, although every coach told me to use it, but nobody could teach me how to DO it.

Since I started using Ken’s course, my range increased incredibly, my sound gets brighter and bigger, and I can sing for hours. I can even distort it, without getting hoarse. It’s amazing. Also, my stamina has improved a lot.

It’s so much fun to work with Ken. He is so kind and humble and knows how to kick your ass in a positive way. If you are looking for a vocal coach, don’t hesitate to join KTVA. It will change your life as a singer.

Kati Cher – Austria

These techniques helped Kati sing better

It’s no secret.


Ken compiled all his techniques for world-class singing, and put them in a step-by-step singing course.


If you want to learn these techniques, here’s what you should do now:

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